Nanjing ranks sixth on China new industry development


The second China (Nanjing) Conference for Emerging Industries was successfully held on July 19, attracting numerous domestic and international high-tech enterprises to Nanjing. Over the past two years, Nanjing has made progress in the development of its emerging industries. The city now boasts a total of 401 new R&D institutions and 213 specialized enterprises that produce innovative and cutting-edge products. Notably, Nanjing has excelled in six industries, including the new generation of artificial intelligence and third-generation semiconductors, with a combined value exceeding 140 billion yuan.


According to the “Report 2023 on China New Industry Development” presented during the conference, Nanjing has strengthened its position in the market, showcasing 14 main industry segments and 25 new segments. It now ranks sixth in the country, following Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Shenzhen, and Guangzhou. Moreover, Nanjing has witnessed the emergence of more than 20 new niche industries such as AI chips, gene technology, and industrial Internet, further contributing to its economic growth and technological advancement.

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